Lifetime Authenticity Guarantee
We know a fake when we see one.
Authenticity is a science and starting in 2010 we at have taken a methodical, strategic and carefully calculated approach to make sure that each and every item we sell is authentic. We offer a lifetime authenticity guarantee and will refund 100% of your money if you ever find that your purchase is not authentic. We also offer 30-day returns, no questions asked, just keep CODO security tag attached.
Our team of trained professionals examines the stitching, hardware, materials, fonts, stamping, serial, registration and date codes, among many other areas. We can even sniff out a fake bag because we know what authentic Chanel or Hermes leather smells like. We apply the same approach to all our products: garments, handbags and accessories alike.
And, unlike larger resale companies who deal with large influxes of inventory in a warehouse and have to rush authentication to maximize sales, we check every item that comes through our doors thoroughly. We source almost all of our inventory locally, mostly from top clients that we have been working with for a number of years. We know where it comes from, who it comes from, and most importantly, whether or not it’s authentic.
But you don’t just have to hear it from us. Check out what other customers say about us on Google, where we have a 4.9 out of 5 average rating. If you would like to learn more about authentication, be sure to read our Chanel, Hermes, Louis Vuitton and Gucci authentication guides linked below, and stay tuned on our CODOGIRL Journal because more is to come!